I have trouble getting my kids to sit still when my air conditioner is set low

Have you ever noticed that kids can find a way to complain about anything? They are also geniuses when it comes to finding an excuse for literally anything.

In Winter, they find a way to complain about the furnace.

It is either too hot, and they are sweating until death, or it isn’t hot enough, and they are about to die of hypothermia. Life is pretty dramatic as a kid. In the Summer, we have all sorts of trouble with our air conditioners. I have never heard them complain that the air conditioner isn’t used enough. Actually, my kids constantly complain that the air conditioners make it too cold in the house. The only reason that they complain about the air conditioners is so that they are able to justify never being able to sit still. They are constantly moving around and getting into trouble, and I have to get onto them about staying still. This is especially true when guests are around. As soon as I correct them, they whine that since the air conditioner is so cold, they have to move around to stay warm. My guests sympathize and beg that we adjust our thermostat. Our children are as smart as they are wicked. However, I will not lose this battle. My air conditioner will not be adjusted, and my children will learn to mind us. They can’t sit still because they have trouble with patience and acting well. They don’t need an adjustment in the air conditioner. They need an adjustment in attitude. No HVAC worker will fix that.
energy saving tips

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