Shooting off fireworks

I could tell it was my cousin’s birthday from a mile away, however whenever it’s his and his twin sibling’s birthday, my aunt and aunt will buy a sizable pack of fireworks into the sky to celebrate, however i don’t usually mind this, even though I was in the middle of studying for an important test tomorrow, and hearing a BANG every few hours didn’t help; After the 12th bang, I threw my pencil to the side and tried moving into the residing room for some peace.

I couldn’t hear the fireworks anymore, however only because my Mom’s obnoxious laughter drowned it all out, but he was enjoying his number one TV show again, which meant hour’s worth of nasally laughter.

I tried the kitchen, however my mother was busy gossiping to his friends about the latest news nowadays! Does all the people have to be loud this week? I skipped my sibling’s room and decided to forget about studying. Instead, I opted to appreciate the fireworks. It was a nice evening, with a cooling breeze. I found a place to settle in the dew covered sod, and hastily I heard a loud click behind me, and the outdoor air conditioner method turned on and started blowing cool air all over me. The cool air felt pretty good, so I leaned back on the component and enjoyed it. Between the charming evening, the fireworks and the air conditioner unit, I ended up dozing for a little while. By the time I woke up, the fireworks had stopped and the air conditioner had also turned off, I decided to leave the A/C and crawl into my bed and make up the last bit of sleep I have left.

Air conditioning system