An easy phone call

I have only had my central heating and air conditioning system unit about 5 so far

I just recently found out something regarding my central heating and air conditioning system that I never knew before. Believe it or not I didn’t know anything about getting the ductwork cleaned! No wonder my central heat and a/c unit seemed to have been working less powerful as the years went on. I found that all it took was a few hundred bucks and a simple phone call to the local heat and a/c company and you could have your ductwork of the central heating and air conditioning system cleaned. I found out about this from a co-worker I was talking to the other day. They laughed at me for not knowing anything about getting the ductwork cleaned. At first they thought I was joking, but when they seen I wasn’t I was the joke of the day. I’ll take it though, because this information was very useful and it is now something that I will be doing on a semi regular basis! I want my central heating and air conditioning system to work perfectly and smoothly. I want to also try to avoid having to buy a new central heating and air conditioning system unit before the usual amount of time that they last, which is usually around 10 to 15 years. I have only had my central heating and air conditioning system unit about 5 so far. I have another 5 years minimum to go before I should even have to think about buying a brand new central heating and air conditioning system unit. So getting my ductwork cleaned with a simple phone call is step one.


