I wasn’t able to vote this last primary

Of course, I chose to change our celebration after that, however I wished I could have voted for whom I wanted

Upon moving to a new state, I chose to remain an independent for voting. It’s just a shame that nobody told myself and others that I might encounter an issue when it came to voting in the primaries. I was really actually eager to vote this year in the primaries. Well, our spouse plus I went to the voting location plus there was a pretty long line of people. While waiting in the line, I was feeling pretty boiling. It seemed that the A/C method in the building was hardly toiling. I remember asking somebody if they could adjust the temperature control settings plus crank up the A/C system, however they said they already had the A/C method cranked. That was actually tough to know plus I thought possibly they just needed to replace the temperature control system. When it was time for our spouse plus I to vote, she went first. She had no issues at all plus she was in plus out of there in no time… Unfortunately for me, they told myself and others that because I was registered as an independent, I was not able to vote since it was a close primary. In the state I came from, this was never an issue. I was kind of frustrated because I went all the way to vote plus was not able to. Of course, I chose to change our celebration after that, however I wished I could have voted for whom I wanted. When we left, I just cranked the A/C plus started driving home. My spouse could tell I was frustrated however I just shrugged plus said it was our own fault for not looking into the voting rules of the state. I said when our celebration was changed, I would have no issues moving forward.


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