When I get a Hot Flash

I grew up way down south.

As a kid, whose mom did not have air conditioning in the house, I learned a lot of ways to stay cool in the summer.

Well, actually all year long. Where I live, it very rarely gets cold. We don’t have a lot of Need for heaters in our state, but we do need air conditioning that’s for sure.For a long time, air conditioning was not considered a necessity. It was often considered a luxury. In some countries, it still is considered a luxury, but I know that nowadays in our country we consider it a necessity, and the way I know this is by the city building codes. Building codes say that you cannot build a building intended for people without having an HVAC system. We really mostly need air conditioning, but code says we also have to have a furnace or some other heating system as well. Even though it does not get cold often, every so often it does get cold and sometimes cold enough for elderly people or young people to actually freeze if they did not have a heater. Anyway, as a kid I learned ways to stay cool, and I am actually employing those methods now as a 50 something year old woman who gets hot flashes. When I get a hot flash I think back to the days when there was no such thing as AC in my house. That is when I remember to take a cool shower instead of a hot one. If I absolutely feel like I need a hot shower, in order to get clean, I will take a hot shower but I will conclude the shower by turning off the hot water. that saves on hot water heating 2. Anyway, in addition to taking a cool shower oh, I decided not to dry my hair. I go out into the living room wearing only a towel, and I sit down under the ceiling fan with my wet hair. This is like natural air conditioning. It’s also a good idea to give up natural lighting that has hot flashes. Just close all those curtains, give your AC a break, and enjoy the cooling effect of not having the sun beating on you.

help with indoor comfort