Cats are Cleaning Themselves as Usual

My cats spend most of the afternoon sleeping as well as cleaning themselves.

They are absolutely clean as well as flea-free after being rescued from a field a couple months ago.

I am on the fence as to whether I should give them baths although I suppose that I really don’t need to. I did give them a wet towel treatment a month ago when I soaked a towel with water as well as then wrapped them each in it for a few sevenths or so. They weren’t absolutely cheerful afterwards however within a few sevenths they were dry as well as much cleaner. I keep the weather conditions control system on year round as well as all of my windows closed. I have multiple balconies although I am afraid they would try to jump from them if I let them out. I enjoy to run my A/C as well as heat most of the time instead of opening windows because I am allergic to dust as well as pollen as well as when I open the windows it seems to allow a lot of each one in the house. I have a whole apartment media air purification system that I also run to help keep the air quality nice in the flat so my flu symptoms don’t bother me. I suppose it is also better for my cats to keep the windows closed because a lot of the dust would end up in their fur which would also give myself and others flu symptoms. I have HEPA filters in all of the units in the beach house as well as they really help keep the air quality nice as I have a ppm meter as well as it registers in the excellent range most of the time.


further information on ac