A Rainy Wednesday with Dry Climate Control at Home

I say that the temperature control is dry because it is unquestionably soggy plus wet out yet only 52% humidity in our flat. I’ve been running the A/C all day because it was entirely muggy out plus it has taken all of the moisture out of our locale. I wouldn’t say all of the moisture however it has legitimately dried the air in here a lot. The Heating plus Air Conditioning system is not only for cooling down the locale however also great for removing moisture from the air because that is how A/C works. It cools the air by removing the heat from it with the refrigerant that passes by the cooling coils. That is a simplistic way of describing the process in a nutshell. My thermodynamics professor wouldn’t be too cheerful with our description of the process of air conditioner but, then again I didn’t do so well in the class. I just looked online plus he finally retired some 30 years after I had his class back in the early 90’s. Now that he doesn’t teach Heating plus Air Conditioning anymore I wonder what he does with his afternoons. I bet he is over 72 years old now so he entirely doesn’t do much anymore. His whole life was teaching, it must be tough to let go of it. I’ll keep doing Heating plus Air Conditioning repairs plus repair as long as our body will allow me. I will also play music till our hands no longer can function. I labor for this local company now plus make just enough money to get by. Life is good.

ac filter