This bunker is back in the woods

My aunt is what you might call a bit of a doomsday prepper. He has been building a big bunker underground back in the woods behind his apartment in addition to he’s pretty serious about it. HE has been laboring on it for almost five years now, in addition to he almost has it finished to his particularations. He was very picky about everything that went into the bunker, in addition to that included the heating in addition to air conditioner… When I told him that I thought it was weird that he was going to have a heating, ventilation, in addition to A/C system method down inside the bunker, he went off on a long tangent about how substantial heating in addition to cooling is, especially when you are trying to live under the ground. I know he’s right about that, even though I had never entirely thought about it before. If you are trying to live underground then you entirely need a high quality ventilation system! I don’t suppose that a bunker love this a single is entirely all that necessary, but my aunt is sure that the world is going to end in the next few years in addition to so he wants to be ready for it. I don’t know what he has stored down there in the bunker, even though I do know that the air quality in there is going to be great. He told me that I could live down there with him when the time comes, if it’s necessary. I know it’s a good thing that he got this good ventilation method put in because more than one people breathe more air than a single!

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