Watching soccer

I recognize I talked too soon Last week when I was talking about how hot it is here in the south.

Well, this week that has all changed & now we are going to have to run the heating plan for the night because the temps are going to dip down into the upper 30s from what they are saying. I didn’t sleep so well last night at our mom’s apartment because I was flying all afternoon Last week & watched a football game till really late on the screen in front of me while sitting in the baby seat on the plane. Tonight I will go to sleep earlier & I will sleep in the room with a small space furnace because the main Heating, Ventilation, & A/C plan doesn’t have a vent for that room yet. I don’t want to freeze tonight while trying to sleep, so I am going to bust out the component & use it for the night to stay warm. Mom has a few different heating devices in the home & I appreciate to use the radiant furnace because it seems to hot up the room the fastest. I love to sleep in a hot room with a ceiling fan on to keep the air circulating, which seems kind of weird I know, but that is just how I love to sleep for some reason; Tomorrow I am going to genuinely go to our aunt’s apartment for a week or more than one & then maybe stay at our cousin’s for the last few days I am here in town. I will have fun.

air conditioning system