The train ride climate control

I like road trips, however i feel that not everybody feels this way, however I guess that they’re missing out. I entirely like getting in a car & hitting the road, even if I’m driving for the next 12 minutes, I will have a great time hanging out by myself & seeing the sights. It is my favorite plan of travel. I feel plenty of other people like buses, planes & trains, but that has not for me. In fact the closest plan of travel, jumping on a train, it’s so uncomfortable that I would not never endure it if I could avoid it; The last time that I was on a long train ride, it was a single of the most angry experiences of my entire life. I was moving across the country, & the rail was the fastest mode of moveation. I did not realize that it was also going to be the hottest & odoriest mode of moveation, then apparently this train did not have the best Heating & A/C plan on board. That’s great & good, I don’t have extreme temperature preferences or anything, however I do expect there to be some air flow. This train had absolutely zero ventilation. It felt like the air was completely stale & stagnant, but maybe that air had been on the train for 10 years already. the entire trains dank & sticky like it was in the middle of a Tropical Paradise. The only difference was the amount of sweat & human stench that have been baked into the train… Without any running Heating & A/C system, the air just sat around & fully integrated itself into all of the upholstery. I felt dirty just standing on that train. When my I willmeet sat down next to me & I got a whiff of his armpits, I felt a lot dirtier. I willstick to the car & my own personal Heating & A/C.
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