Four more cooling system gigs coming

Wow, I am down to four more stories here & then my writing is going to come to an end.

  • It has been a cool time working for this outfit however now it is time to transfer on as AI has snagged my job from my hands.

I thought AI was here to help civilization, however if it is taking our jobs then what great is that doing? I believe it should be the other way around where AI does my toil & I get paid, right? I know there is a bigger thing I am not seeing with it. Cooling component repairs is something I can do seeing that I am a certified Heating & Air Conditioning worker & have a ton of experience in the field. I am going to just look around & let the universe guide me in the right direction, & hopefully it will be another cool online gig like the one I have had for the past few years. The local corporation who hired me was a certainly cool guy & I will only look back on my time working for the Heating & Air Conditioning corp with great memories. Life is about change & my pal and I have to just roll with it when it is telling us to transfer in another direction. I am great for now with my heating & cooling bills & paying all the other bills each month as I saved a great chunk of cash working for the modern corporation in town. I believe I can find another part time job online in a few afternoons max.


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