Our air conditioning stopped working when the weather warmed up

Our air conditioning stopped working when the weather warmed up earlier this year and now I think we are going to have the same problem with the heating! I guess when it rains it pours when it comes to things tearing up around the house.

At least that’s how it’s always been for me and my husband, for some reason.

We always seem to have the worst luck on home repairs because the plumbing, the electricity, the appliances, and the heating and cooling system are constantly tearing up on us around here. I don’t know what’s the issue with this house, but sometimes it feels just like we are living in a money pit or something. We are always having issues with one thing or another. Our most recent problem is our heating system. We have had the same old gas furnace for the past twenty years and it’s really about time to replace it. Of course, we never have enough money to pay for all of the things that go wrong around here, but we definitely didn’t have the right amount of money to put in a brand new high efficiency heating system right before Christmas gets here. I feel like we are just doomed when it comes to the heating and cooling system in this house. I might as well have the local HVAC company on speed dial for as many times as I have to call them to come and repair something or other. It’s ridiculous, if you ask me. I feel like it would be cheaper for us all the way around if we just moved!

New heating units