Local HVAC company shows real heart

It’s a lot easier to talk about taking care of each other than it is to actually do it.

And that’s something that I think all of us can attest to.

I know that in my life, I want everyone to have a home, central air conditioning, enough to eat and happiness in their heart. I also know that this isn’t the case for far too many people. Still, it’s not as easy as it sound to actually engage people directly who need and deserve our help. Conversely, there are plenty of times where all of us look the other way because we just don’t know quite what to do to help. So when a scenario presents itself where I can get involved to make a difference, I always give it a try. And it was with real trepidation and the deepest of respect that I approached my neighbor about her air conditioning. It was early Summer and I had walked by that house for weeks on my night walk. And I never heard the heat pump come on once. So I started paying more attention and never saw or heard the air conditioning come on. This was concerning because there was a wonderful older lady who lived there. She was on a very fixed income and I was afraid the heat pump had broken and she couldn’t fix it. I was partly right in that the heat pump had died and needed to be replaced. I talked with this lady and asked if it was okay if I tried to help. She said yes, and the local HVAC company took care of the rest. Between our neighbors and the local HVAC company, this lady now has cooling from a new heat pump this Summer and for Summers to come.


furnace/heater service