My daughter ruined the gas furnace

My daughter has autism and while we love her to death, she is always getting into everything and causing trouble.

  • Recently, she has been sneaking into the basement.

I would hear the laundry machine turn on and wonder what in the world was going on. Then I would go down to check and sure enough, or daughter took it upon herself to do laundry. She wasn’t putting in any laundry soap, just some clothes of hers and her blanket with bedsheets. I thought it was cool that she was doing her laundry but I didn’t realize what else she was doing. When we turned on our heating system, I smelled a burning crayon smell coming through the HVAC vents. When I went to have a look at the HVAC unit, there was a bunch of smoke and I had to shut everything down! I opened up the HVAC unit to see what was going on and there were a ton of melted crayons over the burners. Apparently, our daughter shoved in a bunch of her crayons into the HVAC unit like it was some kind of toy. She doesn’t understand this kind of thing and what the purpose is for the HVAC unit. This is why I really don’t like her playing around in the basement. When I called an HVAC professional to come out to the house, the repair for the HVAC unit was very expensive. He said that the burners were entirely ruined and everything had to be cleaned thoroughly. Also the burners had to be replaced. After that I told my daughter not to mess with the HVAC unit, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t understand what I was talking about.

a/c set up