I love the new HVAC smart thermostat

I leave most of the tech stuff to my wife. This is so very convenient for me considering I’m not much good at any of that stuff anyway. I mean it’s all I can do to be sure that I can function in my job. That doesn’t bode well for me when it comes to trying to figure out all of the other stuff that is out there. I’m more the come home and chill in the HVAC after work sort of dude. I mean I would still have a flip phone had my wife not interceded. So when my wife started talking about the smart HVAC thermostat, I sort of tuned it out. She is often raving about the latest and greatest electronic gizmo. Once I have heard her talk about a particular piece of technology several times, I know that she is considering a purchase. Normally, we always discuss any sort of purchase or addition to the house that costs more than a hundred bucks. However, when it comes to the tech stuff, I simply turn those decisions over to her. My wife is always researching and making sure that she is getting the sort of technology that suits our purposes. So, I just go along for the ride. However, with the smart HVAC thermostat it has been such a pleasant surprise for me. I figured it would be too complicated and layered for me to be able to figure out. The opposite was true. It really figured us out way more than we figured it out. But I can certainly attest to the nice savings and the ease of use because it really just does it’s own thing. The HVAC has never been this precisely managed ever.


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