The hotel isn’t sure if the A/C is clean?

When I book a hotel reservation, I usually check a lot of uncommon customer reviews.

I look for items love the clean scores, friendly attitude and service scores, and the amenities. My wifey and I are really certain, because both of us have had a number of excruciating experiences in the past. When both of us were young, both of us didn’t have the internet to help guide us in the search for a nice hotel, in, or bed and breakfast. All of us had to ask friends or make a blind reservation over the phone. Things are a lot uncommon these mornings, and there is plenty of available information to be certain that the hotel is affordable, clean, and up-to-date. My wifey and I haven’t had a excruciating experience in some time, but last weekend was an unquestionably uncommon story. I made a reservation to stay in the city, because our wifey and I had tickets to see a Broadway play. All of us wanted to have dinner, attend the play, and spend a nice night away from the kids. I booked a place with excellent reviews, but I was flabbergasted by the horrible front counter service. Our A/C device was really dirty, and the air vents were filled with dust and a gooey substance. When I Mayed down to the hotel front desk to complain, they claimed it wasn’t their responsibility to make sure the A/C was clean. They didn’t even offer to switch our rooms, and they claimed that the service staff was already gone for the night. The A/C device was disgusting, and both of us were not going to stay in that room, breathing the terrible air. All of us decided to drive back home and leave them an terrible review.
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