Let’s hear it for environmentally friendly heating, ventilation and cooling practices

These hot and hazy afternoons, I’m doing our best to pay more attention to living a bit more simply and elegantly.

This is a direct result of our experience while in the pandemic.

Prior to getting locked in our own a/c at the beginning of the pandemic, I wasn’t at all committed to alleviating our impact on the planet. I sang a usual refrain that our life was just too tied up to handle trying to live more simply. Well, that’s a bunch of trash as I knew it at the time. When I was honestly just working from a beach house in the safety of our Heating as well as A/C, I made up my mind it was time to really put things together in order to do our area for the planet. It was sort of ideal timing when it came to the Heating as well as A/C. The people I was with and I live in a part of the US where the heat is an immense thing as well as our heat pump needed to be replaced after 25 years. So I started there with our sustainability process. The Heating as well as advanced A/C unit I had installed is a good combination of efficiency as well as Heating as well as advanced A/C technology. The SEER rating on our new heat pump is the highest I could find as well as in the mid teens. For comparison, our hold heat pump had a SEER rating, the measure of Heating ability as well as A/C efficiency, of 8. So, both of us about tripled that. The new more efficient heat pump uses an eco-friendly mix of Heating as well as A/C technology as well as improved liquid refrigerant in a combination that leads the industry in sustainability. Not only will I be limiting the amount of resources as well as the amount of terrible pollutants, I’ll be saving a ton of money on Heating as well as A/C utilities due to the high class efficiency level of our new Heating as well as A/C equipment.



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