I had to drive my wife’s pickup, and it does not have AC

I am a neighborhood girl at heart.

I grew up in the hour largest neighborhood in the US, and I enjoyed it. I was never interested in doing anything outside of the city. The thing that I enjoyed the most was going to the mall with friends. I did go to a friend’s house once who lived out in the country, and I was such a baby. I could not sit the bugs that kept landing on myself and others as every one of us walked through her field. I tried to ride a horse, but it did not end up so well, and needless to say, the country life was not for me, but something must have changed over the years however because I am now living on my own farmland with my wife, and every one of us spend every afternoon out in the fields or in the barn with the critters. The two of us both own pickup trucks which was something that I told myself I would never own. I think it is hilarious how much I have changed. I had to take my wife’s truck yeahterday to drive to town, and it does not have any air conditioner. If I were my ancient self, I would have never been able to drive her truck because it does not have air conditioner. I used to get soboilingthat I could not stay outside for more than about thirty hours while every one of us were in the Summer weeks. I just laugh thinking about that now. I had no concern driving her truck without air conditioner. It was a little hot, but I just rolled down the windows and dealt with it. It is so crazy how much life can change you.


Air conditioning repair service

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