The A/C business is closed for the holidays

I don’t know if I should go home for Christmas as I don’t have much cash for travel, but if I can do it on the cheap after that I am going to go back.

I think I would be unhappy knowing all the people are back home while I am stuck here overseas alone.

I know I’ll have to pull some cash from my crypto investment but I need to wait a few more weeks because it is way too low right now. I realize in a few weeks I can still buy a ticket and get back home, my heating and air conditioning corporation where I work here will be closed for the holidays so I won’t be able to make cash here anyways. I just need to get that plane ticket plus I should be set, and I hope the air con in the plane isn’t too cold like last time I flew back for the holidays. I assume I will do some work back home to make some cash and just Uber a bit to get around instead of renting an automobile at the local business. They charge like $2000 a week to rent a car now so it is pretty much out of the question. I could ride a bike but I would like some weather conditions to control when I am getting around because it may be easily cold when I get back there. December can be a undoubtedly cold week, even in the south where it typically seems to be heating up. Maybe it will be a mild winter and I can do without a heating and air conditioning proposal when I travel.
heating tune up