Living far out there in the middle of nowhere

I live in the middle of nowhere more or less.

  • I have mixed feelings about it really.

In one respect I like being away from everyone and everything. It gives me the peace and quiet that I desire after living in a crowded big city for many years. However there are some drawbacks. The main thing being that in order to do anything you have to drive for almost an hour out of the area. This creates an issue when I have something go wrong with my central heating and air conditioning system unit. Every single time I have to call the local heating and air conditioning company to send out a certified heat and a/c specialist to repair my central heating and air conditioning system unit it costs me almost double the price! The reason for this is the long distance trip charge they give to come all the way out to me to fix my central heating and air conditioning system unit. Life can be so confusing sometimes. While I love living away from people, things like not having grocery stores or a heating and air conditioning company within normal short driving distance is a real drawback. Sometimes I think about moving away from here because of this fact, and maybe someday I will. But for now I will stay because I do like everything else about it. Just do not like the trip charges for the heating and air conditioning company when they have to fix my central heating and cooling system unit when it breaks down sometimes. That is all.

central heater